Konteksty / Contexts / 2024 / Berlin

A Polyvocal Dialogue

Ana Vogelfang, Julieta García Vazquez, ZAKOLE (represented by: Krystyna Jędrzejewska-Szmek, Ola Knychalska, Olga Roszkowska)
Date: Saturday 8.06.2024
Time: 19:30-21:00


Clucellas Island is a nomadic territory in constant flux due to the ebbing and flowing of the Paraná River, situated across the city of Santa Fé in Argentina. Zakole Wawerskie encompasses both a picturesque, mostly inaccessible swamp and extensive meadows in the very heart of Warsaw, Poland.

Both Isla Clucellas and Zakole Wawerskie are wetland ecologies and hybrid habitats with significant biodiversity and environmental importance, constantly threatened by extractivist practices such as landfills for urban development or intentional fires to clear land for monocultures.

These fragile territories are also the sites of artistic intervention by the Argentinean artist duo Ana Vogelfang and Julieta García Vazquez and the Polish collective ZAKOLE. In this polyvocal dialogue, both groups will discuss how, with distinct strategies and approaches, they engage with the current biocultural complexity and possible futures of such landscapes.

This event is supported by the Artists’ Contacts programme of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IfA).

This event is open for all and doesn’t require registration.

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