Konteksty / Contexts / 2024 / Berlin

Viva La Galareta
Performative Soirée

Alicja Czyczel, Bartosz Jakubowski, Jagna Nawrocka
Date: Saturday 8.06.2024
Time: 21:00-21:45

The performative soirée of Alicja Czyczel, Bartosz Jakubowski and Jagna Nawrocka (members of the Queer Academy of Movement) merges dance, improvisation, work with text, image and performative whimsy. The dramaturgical method is derived from the practice of the performers, who – together and separately – seek strategies for queering worlds through body, movement and poetry. The narrative is characterized by sharp cuts, moments of rapture and somatic delights.

This event is open for all and doesn’t require registration.

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