Heavy Eyes A Performative Feast
Eliza Chojnacka & Martix Navrot
Date: Friday 7.06.2024
Time: 20:00-20:45
Welcome to the Feast. Our eyes are getting heavy. We feel content. Relax the muscles in your ear, to hear whispering Skrzat, household spirit in a flowery hat. Feel the dust on your cheek. This is an after-dinner nap. You fall asleep…
Skrzat Eliza and Skrzat Martix will lead you through collective hypnosis using sound, taste and dreaming. The post-real imaginary tale about the disturbing potential of digestive coma. The performance will bring a moment for postprandial sleep – a method of shutting down an overwhelmed system in the name of gaining energy for digestion.
This event is open for all and doesn’t require registration.
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury